Sedation Dentistry.

Never be afraid of the dentist again

Sedation Dentistry

Dr. Johnson offers sedation dentistry that can change your life by eliminating your fear of going to the dentist. You will be sedated just enough to be unaware of the treatment, and you will wake up refreshed with little or no memory of what was accomplished. This allows us to do years of dental treatments in one or two visits, including replacing crowns or dentures, restoring sore gums to good health, whitening yellow or stained teeth, fixing a chipped tooth, and more. Sedation dentistry is especially helpful for people with busy schedules who need dental care quickly and easily.

When you arrive at our office, you will be escorted to the comfort room, covered with a warm blanket, and placed on a monitor to watch your vital signs. Dr. Johnson and our experienced clinical team will take care of your dental needs while you relax. After your treatment is completed, your companion will take you home to finish your comfortable, relaxing day.

Sedation dentistry really works, allowing you to relax through your dental appointment with little or no memory of the experience. Complex dental treatments that often require multiple appointments can be done in as little as one visit. Sedation dentistry is also a safe way to reduce the fatigue of extended dental treatment requiring long visits.

Commonly asked questions about sedation dentistry include whether you will feel any discomfort (you will feel completely comfortable), whether you will be unconscious (no, you will be in a deeply relaxed state and responsive), and whether you will be monitored (yes, one of our team members will be with you and monitoring your vital signs throughout the visit). Depending on your needs, you may be relaxing for two to six hours, and you will need someone to drive you to and from our office due to the sedative effects of the medication.

People who have high fear, traumatic dental experiences, difficulty getting numb, a bad gag reflex, very sensitive teeth, complex dental problems, or limited time to complete dental care are all candidates for sedation dentistry. Additionally, people who hate needles and shots, hate the noises, smells, and tastes associated with dental care, or are afraid or embarrassed about their teeth can benefit from sedation dentistry.

Learn More About Sedation Dentistry