Who is Weston Price? A Pioneer in the Field of Nutrition

Dr. Weston Price

Dr. Johnson previously discussed Weston Price during his early career, and as a patient, you may have engaged in conversations with him regarding the significance of nutrition for oral health. This article delves further into Dr. Price's enthusiasm for nutrition and its connection to overall well-being.

Weston A. Price was a Canadian dentist best known for researching the relationship between nutrition and physical health. In the 1920s and 1930s, he traveled the world to study the diets and health of isolated, non-industrialized peoples. His findings, published in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, challenged the prevailing nutritional wisdom of the time and helped launch the modern movement for whole-food nutrition.

Price's research showed that people who ate traditional diets, rich in animal fats, organ meats, and fermented foods, had excellent dental health, strong bones, and high disease resistance. In contrast, people who ate processed foods and refined carbohydrates were likelier to have crooked teeth, weak bones, and various chronic health problems.

Some have criticized Price's work for its lack of scientific rigor. However, his findings have been vindicated by subsequent research, showing that a diet rich in nutrient-dense whole foods is essential for optimal health.

The Weston A. Price Foundation

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 1999 to promote Price's work and to advocate for a return to traditional diets. The foundation provides educational resources, conducts research, and supports farmers who raise livestock and produce crops by Price's principles.

The Foundation's Key Findings

The Weston A. Price Foundation has identified several key findings from Price's research:

  • Traditional diets are rich in nutrient-dense whole foods, such as organ meats, fermented foods, and animal fats.

  • These foods provide essential nutrients not found in abundance in processed foods.

  • A diet rich in nutrient-dense whole foods can help to improve dental health, bone health, and disease resistance.

The Foundation's Recommendations

The Weston A. Price Foundation recommends that people follow a diet rich in nutrient-dense whole foods. This includes eating many organ meats, fermented foods, and animal fats. The foundation also recommends avoiding processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and vegetable oils.

To sum it all up, Weston A. Price was a pioneer in the field of nutrition. His research has helped challenge the prevailing wisdom about diet and health, inspiring a new generation of whole-food advocates. The Weston A. Price Foundation continues to promote Price's work and to advocate for a return to traditional diets.



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